How to create an event

To get started, sign up or log in to your Eventil account. Choose CREATE EVENT and you will be brought to the right section. Creating events is based on three main parts: basic event information, type of conference and detailed information.

Part 1: Basic Event Information

1. Event Name

Enter the name of your event. Give your potential attendees quick information on what the event is about. Make it catchy to draw huge audience. For example: PolyConf 17.

Event Name Photo

Don't use a long name. Make it concrete.

2. External Sources

Enter any extra web address for your event, webpage or group. Give your potential attendees the possibility to know your event better.

External Sources Photo

Only handle without @ sign

3. Slug

Get the web address for your event. It will be generated automatically based on your event name but you can also change it by entering your own slug. For example: polyconf-17.

Slug Photo

4. Timing

Enter start and ending dates so the attendees know when your event takes place.

Timing Photo

Part 2: Type of Concerence

1. Location Type

First, choose the type of location. If you choose "Onsite", you will be asked to fill in address details so the attendees know where it takes place. If you choose "Online", address details won't be required.

Location Photo

2. Address Details

Required only if you chose "Onsite"

Enter the city or more exact address for your event. Location is important for people so precise it. Enter the name of a lecture room, cafe etc. where you are going to make the event so your attendees know what to expect and what thay should bring with them.

Address Photo

If you’re not sure what your venue will be, you can just enter a city and a country and mark TBA in "Place Name".

3. Description

Write more about your event: what it is about, how long it will last, why you organize it, who will give talks, what the purpose of your action is etc. The more you write, the more people will know about it. They will feel welcome to come.

Description Photo

Part 3: Detailed Information

1. Add poster

Add a photo or picture for your event. A lot of people pay more attention to events with visual elements.

Poster Photo

2. Topic list

Let the attendees know about your primary languages for the event. It helps people to find the event and specify if it is what they are looking for.

Topic Photo